Friday, June 09, 2006

Is Team Learning the same as Team-based Learning?

Team Learning from an Organisational Development perspective, is not to be confused with Team-based learning. Team Learning, as created by Peter Senge of 'Fifth Discipline' fame is about getting different members of the team to align and develop the team's capacity to attain the results they want. It is about framing a common perspective built on developing a shared vision. It goes beyond academic-type learning that Team-based learning (synonymous with associated terms like collaborative learning, group learning) is involved with, in the mastery of subject matter.

What's this 'alignment business'?
Alignment is an important pillar of Team Learning, because a team exists only when a shared sense of purpose exists. Otherwise, it is only a group comprising individuals, masquerading as a team. Alignment allows team members to mesh individual goals and agendas to the team's.
Through dialogue, alignment sets up a tension within the individual as he begins to invest himself into the priorities of the team and the team members, while adjusting what's important to him to what's important to others. With skilful facilitation, alignment can result in new understanding. New attitudes and behaviours that support the team's shared vision, mission and goals, can then arise.
Developing Team Capacity
Team Learning involves aspects of meta-learning ie 'learning how team members learn', and learning about how and why team decisions are made and carried out. The learning occurs primarily in understanding how the team could be more effective, based on a cycle of:
  • reflecting (eg on past action and results),
  • connecting (eg establishing links between the reflections with hypotheses),
  • deciding (settling on a course of action) and finally
  • implementing that choice

Team Learning, with its emphasis on individual alignment to the team vision and mindfulness of the team members on understanding team experiences; provides a powerful framework where individual action and meaning are integrated with the team and the larger organisation.

Noel Tan

Resident Philosopher

(*All Text is copyright of Trailblazer Trainers Pte Ltd)


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