Friday, May 05, 2006

There is No 'I' in TEAM!

One famous slogan often heard at Teambuilding sessions is 'There is no "I" in TEAM!'. It encourages participants to think about something larger than themselves - the identity of the group. It is a powerful reminder that TEAM goals, mission and values are foremost in importance. A lack of common focus on key elements of TEAM life is often the obstacle to high performance.

We've used the slogan at some point in our Teambuilding programmes too. Yet, there is another aspect which should not go unnoticed: That there is an 'I' in 'TeamIng Up'! There is a 'creative tension' during teambuilding between the group and the individuals, which need to be harnessed for powerful teams. Emphasis on one over the other is at the expense of individual commitment to the team, and over the long run; team performance.

Managing this creative tension is not easy but here are several key tips for team leaders:
1. Recognise that 'I' is for individual
Your team comprises individuals with different life histories, experiences, needs and interests. Show a genuine and active interest in getting to know them, and for them to know others in the team. Realise that they are distinct, different but not differing. There is a wide range of psychometric instruments available which can promote this understanding. There are always deep revelations when we use these in our teambuilding programmes.

2. Recognise individual gifts to the team
Everyone brings different gifts & talents to the team table. It is the leader's responsibility to find ways to surface these and apply them for the team's success. Whenever possible, assign job tasks to the person who is most gifted to deal with them. Finally, celebrate the team's success by highlighting individual contributions from everyone.

3. Recognise the influence of individual 'baggage' in conflict
Conflict is part and parcel of team life and when harnessed, it can sharpen team performance. Yet, leaders often fail to understand that conflict arises not just because people are different, but that each team member brings different sets of baggage along. Unless, these are understood, then the leader's interventions in conflict situations may not be effective and in fact contribute to the deterioration of team morale.

Teambuilding is not an event, but a process of building a group identity focussed on excellence, built on individual talent and commitment. A group often has a long way to go before it becomes a team. We believe high performance can only be expected only when leaders understand that while 'There is no 'I' in TEAM', there certainly is one in 'TeamIng Up'!

Noel Tan
Resident Philosopher
(*All text is copyright of Trailblazer Trainers Pte Ltd)


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