Friday, July 07, 2006

Updates and memorable events (Jan 2006 - July 2006)

What a year 2006 has been so far and we are happy to share with you the milestones, quirky or otherwise:

January-February 2006
  • Ethan graduated from K1 to P1
  • Noel facilitated in the 'Self-Science' programme at St Andrew's Secondary School
    Noel started on the EdD programme at the University of Western Australia, Graduate School of Education
  • Noel and Brenda were appointed as Family Life Ambassadors with the Ministry of Community, Youth and Sports
  • Trailblazer welcomed Karen Koh as our part-time administrator, on top of facilitation duties
March-April 2006
  • We welcomed Edna into our family on March 4th 2006
  • Brenda started her 3-mth maternity leave from work
  • Trailblazer Trainers welcomed Chee Wei Lin and Tan Swee Suan as programme facilitators
  • Trailblazer Trainers signed a research-based Memorandum of Understanding with Innova Junior College, graced by Dr Geil Browning, President, Emergenetics LLC USA
  • Noel had a conference with Eric Jensen of Jensen Learning LLC, USA at Changi Airport

May-Jun 2006
  • Ethan won a top 10 position in the biennnial Japan Airlines Foundation World Children's Haiku Competition (Singapore phase), out of more than 5000 entries.
  • Noel & Brenda promoted Family Life in our own family, by focusing on introducing Ethan to his Singaporean heritage, via heritage trails in the Civic District (How many 6-yr olds have been into the Battle Box, eh?)

Looking forward to sharing with you more updates in 6 months' time.

Noel Tan

Resident Philosopher

(* All text is copyright of Trailblazer Trainers Pte Ltd)