Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Journey Inwards

"Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing." - Warren Bennis, Ph.D, On Becoming A Leader

It probably isn't a coincidence that the first proper blog entry of Trailblazer Trainers is on Leadership. What better contribution to the theme is Warren Bennis' quote, even as the latest groundswell of negative publicity surfaces around the National Kidney Foundation (NKF). Government-appointed auditors, KPMG, released their report 2 days ago, providing a no-holds-barred, critical analysis into the inner workings of one of Singapore's more prominent charities.

Certainly, it is most damning to learn that the monthly contributions of thousands of hardworking Singaporeans did NOT go to subsidise the various kidney dialysis patients on NKF's rolls. Instead, Singaporeans woke up yesterday to discover that their hard-earned money went to pay for excesses and self-aggrandisement of key decision-makers in the NKF and only marginally to the benefit of their less-fortunate Singaporeans.

How did it all happen in squeaky-clean Singapore? Well, in the case of the NKF, it all came down to slick marketing, creative representation of figures and perhaps a good dose of dubious management motivations.

Which brings us to the heart of Bennis' quote: the key distinctive quality of a leader is in his or her focus, determination, belief, call it what you will, to do the RIGHT thing. Certainly, going by the quote, the ex-CEO of the NKF would not have done RIGHT by the people who depended on his decisions: the kidney patients, the clinical & clerical staff of NKF and if we extend it a little further, the various other charities who serve other causes. With all these revelations, there is little wonder that other charities are having difficulties raising funds in the aftermath of this fiasco.

Even if we examine the performance of the ex-CEO and the previous board of directors in the light of the first half of the quotation, I have serious misgivings that they even could be counted as managers. Fund-raising became the primary competency of the NKF, rather than providing professional and affordable care for kidney dialysis patients.

We at Trailblazer Trainers, believe the heart of any organisation reflects the heart of its leaders. This philosophy forms an integral part of our Leadership programmes. Each and every leader, aspiring or current, must take that Journey Inwards to constantly refine his or her motives; to keep the pure, the right, the noble. The Leader must discard the rest, like a farmer removes the chaff from the wheat.
(By the way, I got the phrase 'The Journey Inwards' from Batman Begins - what Ras Al Ghul told Bruce Wayne.)

I leave you with 2 other quotes, which leaders should do well to bear in mind:
  1. 'Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.' - Lord Acton.
  2. 'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.' - Abraham Lincoln.

The frontiers of the Journey Inwards is what each and every one of us must breach. Only in the Crossing of our individual Frontiers, do we become better than we were the day before.

Noel Tan
Resident Philosopher
(* All text is copyright of Trailblazer Trainers Pte Ltd)


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